Der zehnjährige Alex bekommt sein Fahrrad vom stadtbekannten Raufbold Georg geklaut. Alex’ unbändigem Zorn über diesen Verlust begegnet sein Vater am Abend mit einer epischen Gute-Nacht-Geschichte: Die Geschichte des Kampfes um Troja und den griechischen Helden Achill. Alex träumt sich und seine Freunde in die Geschichte hinein und erlebt so den Aufstieg und Fall des großen Helden Achill am eigenen Leibe.
Ten-year-old Alex gets his bike stolen by the well-known bully Georg. Alex's father tries to calm his son's furiosity about this theft by telling him an epic bedtime story: the story of the Siege of Troy and the Greek hero Achilles. Alex imagines his friends and himself to be part of the story and thus experiences the rise and fall of the great Achilles vividly.
Produced by: Eumel Film (
Written by: Sebastian Jansen; Benhur Prabhu Bosco, Ranji Prasad
Director: Sebastian Jansen
Cinematography: Naim Sutherland
Music: Nicholas Hering, Manuel Hilleke
"Der kleine Achill" / "Little Achilles"
Nominee Best Short - Hessischer Filmpreis 2019
Winner Best Edit + Best Cinematography - European Cinematography Award Oct 2019
Audience Award WINNER + Best Pitch HONORABLE MENTION at Die Seriale
Best Pilot - Asia Web Award
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Genre: Adventure | Family | Fantasy